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Kai Long

Community Steering Committee, Strategic Planning Committee

Kai Long (MS SLP CCC) has lived and worked in Cambridge for over 20 years. Her private speech pathology practice, Long on Language, serves professionals and students with communication challenges. Helping adults and children mitigate the lifelong impacts of speech and language challenges in their lives is her specialty. This includes supporting students with high functioning autism, ADHD and language-based learning disorders and supporting professionals with language, voice and speech disorders.

Community Conversations: Sister to Sister, Inc., a women's health initiative, is an ongoing, open forum to explore health issues of particular relevance to Black women and their families.

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The content on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice and should not replace a personal relationship with a qualified medical professional. When making health care decisions, in partnership with your medical team, we encourage you to consider your health needs and knowledge of your own body, currently available research and standards of care. We do not endorse any specific health care provider or treatment. We have tried in good faith to collect and vet all information shared and as far as we know, it is accurate as of the time it was posted.

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